Confidentiality Policy
Yes, I have read, understand and agree to the Confidentiality Policy.
Pet Central Helps! Confidentiality Policy Confidentiality: In order to encourage and foster open and candid discussion at its meetings and any other events, the Board of Directors of Pet Central Helps! (PCH) believe confidentiality must be maintained. Therefore, it is the policy of the Board of Directors of PCH that each director, committee member, staff, volunteer or contractor shall keep confidential any and all information relating to discussions at its meetings, groups and events, whether those meetings are held in person, over the telephone or via email, unless compelled by legal process to disclose such information, or as otherwise agreed by the Board. Board members, committee members, staff, volunteers and contractors acknowledge that any violation of this policy could cause harm to PCH and frustrate board deliberations and general operation of the non-profit. Therefore, any board member, committee member or staff who violates this policy may be subject to termination of his/her position, and possible legal action. PCH endorses and adopts the following statement of policy: I. Duty of Loyalty Among the obligations of an officer, director, staff member, committee member, volunteer or contractor of a non-profit corporation is a duty of loyalty to the non-profit corporation. This includes supporting, and not opposing directly or indirectly or taking any other stance against, the policies and positions duly adopted by PCH’s Board of Directors. As representatives of PCH, officers, directors, staff, committee members, volunteers and contractors are obligated to maintain this duty of loyalty in all manner of activities during their terms of office or involvement with the organization. This duty of loyalty is not intended to, nor should it discourage debate within Board, committee, or other discussions. Such debate is encouraged and is part of the individual's responsibility in the deliberation process. II. Confidentiality of Discussions and Documents In order to encourage and foster open and candid discussion at its meetings, the Board of Directors of PCH believes confidentiality must be maintained. Therefore, it is the policy of the Board of Directors of PCH that each director, staff member, volunteer or contractor shall keep confidential any and all information relating to discussions at its Board, committee, staff, and other meetings, whether those meetings are held in person, over the telephone, or via email, unless compelled by legal process to disclose such information, or as otherwise agreed by the Board. While Board, committee members, staff, volunteers and contractors are free to discuss actions adopted by the Board, disclosing or distributing any information concerning the discussion of such items is prohibited. I have read and understand the above expectations and agree to abide by this code of ethics and duty of confidentiality.