State of Social Media
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I do not agree
This policy will set forth guidelines that volunteers should follow for all online communications in reference to HARP and applies to any person associated with HARP including, but not limited to: employees, volunteers, contract employees, interns, temporary employees, etc. Apply a “good judgement” test for every activity related to online communication. Think of the following: Could your posting negatively affect the organization’s partnerships within the community, adopters, and potential donors? Could what you are posting possibly limit adoptions and/or donations by community members? Could your posting potentially harm the relationship between the shelter and its surrounding community? All posts should display professionalism and be respectful and truthful. We require that information or opinions related to the internal operations of the organization be treated as confidential and that no disparaging or misinformed statements are made online that would damage or reasonably damage the organization’s brand and reputation. It is unacceptable to post any comments or pictures of unavailable animals, wildlife, or any other animals subject to confiscation, judicial order, or other restricted or confidential situations. - An exception will be made for fosters who have kittens in foster for weight gain only. This includes bottle babies or any other kitten that is too young for adoption. This does not apply to animals that are unavailable and in foster for any other reason, unless expressly stated by the Foster Coordinator. By clicking "I Agree" below, you acknowledge that you have read Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh's Social Media Policy, and understand that is your responsibility to comply with the policies contained therein, and any revisions made to it.