Typical Maine Coon personality you've grown to love, or not. Sociable but fiercely independent. Prefers to "hang out" with with you, investigating whatever activity you're doing and will help when she can. She is not a lap cat preferring to be next to you, rather than to be held. She will be your companion and friend but never your Baby. Jazzy has a kindly disposition. great intelligence, and was a good mother to her kittens. She has welcomed all of the cats/kittens that have come and gone from the foster room. Now it's her turn to go home. She hasn't been exposed to dogs or children. Jazzy is kittenish and loves to play with wand toys and catnip. Jazzy is a big gentle clown but it's best to accept everything is on her terms, let her come to you and set the pace. She will reward you with her affection.