Have you ever been anxious or fearful? Had to meet new people? Had to move? Had to give a speech in front of a crowd? What if your move entailed being trapped and taken to a strange place with many scents, sights and sounds assailing your senses? Such was the case with young Burberry. He was terrified. Enter foster mom Elysia. Her specialty is working with cats like Burberry. Guess what happened to Burberry after she took him home as a foster? He was found to be a little goofy, a little chatty, a little quirky and...friendly! The brown tabby with the soft, plush coat, bent and crinkled tail had a few other secrets to reveal. Burberry is fine with adults, children, and other friendly cats. In fact, it would be nice for Burberry to have a friendly cat in his adoptive home. He's not a big fan of dogs, but can possibly share a home with them if they give him his space. While Burberry is not a big fan of being held, he will roll onto his side so you can pet him. Many thanks to his foster mom, Elysia Hoy Patterson for giving him the chance to show who he really is and not who he appeared to be at the shelter. #adoptburberry #lcpa Info for his bio by Elysia.